My Top 5 Wineries on Vancouver Island


Ahhh wineries.. the terrestrial, greening farmstead that produces crisp, bold, aroma-filled fermented liquids. Firstly, I must disclose that I am no sommelier. Do not ask me to list the combinations of notes in a Pinot Noir, or if I can taste oak or cherry (but shout out to a sommelier’s strong gustatory and olfactory abilities). What I do know though, is the experience of visiting a winery. Best believe I’ve done my share of roaming an estate with a wine glass! I’m always enthralled by the aesthetic views, the food, styling, and culture. Don’t be alarmed - the wine is also usually good too! My friends and family can vouch that i don’t skip out on that part.

If you’ve seen my life over instagram lately, you will know that I just wrapped up a 2-week stint on “the island”. “The Island” (Vancouver Island) has some of the best wineries in western Canada. I hear you Kelowna people, the Okanogan Valley is up there too, but once you visit the Cowichan Valley you will be hooked. There are roughly thirty wineries located on the island, which can make it difficult to know where to start. This is where I come in! I've listed my top 5 wineries to visit because, let's be honest, you only remember the first few on a wine tour. In no particular order, find out why these are my top 5!

Blue Grouse Estate Winery and Vineyard 

Best Part:  Hands down the aesthetic. The vibe I got with my initial visit was a contemporary extravagance. As soon as we pulled up, there was a limousine full of bachelorette party attendees literally jogging to their awaiting table. This winery is perfect for large get-togethers, parties, celebrations, etc. The view from the top deck is worthy of becoming your next facebook profile pic (is Facebook still cool?). They have big long tables set up for tastings, but if you want to keep it more casual there are tons of outdoor seating options located on the lower deck. As for the wines - their 2019 Wolf and Grouse was a unique addition to their already long wine list. The Wolf and Grouse is a bittersweet apéritif with notes of flowers, orange peel, and bitter gentian root that you can pair with tonic water or sparkling wine. They also offer a few appetizers/snacks if you get hangry. Trust me, head to the top deck and look over the 65 acres of land and take it all in. 


Averill Creek Vineyard

Best Part: The view. When you arrive, you are welcomed by a beautiful electric gate making you feel like you're driving up to your own private estate. You travel up a winding gravel road until you reach the top to step out and see the heart of the Cowichan Valley. I tried to capture it below but I still don’t think it does it justice. The outdoor seating area makes you feel like you are in the secret garden with the vines and stonework where you can cuddle in with your significant other and enjoy a glass of wine with an appy or two. Another photogenic venue, this one is secluded, chic, and private. In terms of wines, Averill is known for their Pinot Noir so make sure to taste those first!


Emandare Vineyard 

Best Part: Their values. I know it sounds cheesy (wine and cheese do go hand-in-hand) but truly, I had the pleasure of touring around with one of the owners, Mike Nierychlo, for an hour. He was kind enough to give me the backstory on the winery, the vision they have for it, and explained why they are so passionate about wine and stewardship. Within the hour, I could easily sense a deep caring for people and the community around them. Not only is their focus on letting the land and the wine take the lead, they believe that wine should be shared with others. Their philosophy is that wine is grown, not made. They just hosted a dinner “In The Vines” that sold out in no time. They have the most stunning B&B that includes a large deck overlooking the vineyard, hot tub, and full kitchen. Think rustic farmhouse vibes at this place. As a way of giving back, they offer up their B&B to people in ministry who are in need of a rest and recharge. The wine also speaks for itself as it usually sells out of stock quickly, so make sure you sign up for their newsletter or be a part of their wine club to get the goods!


Cherry Point Estate Wines

Best Part: Tasty Wine. This place was my first love. I’m only kind of joking. I have visited this cute yet traditional winery since my parents moved to the Island over 10 years ago. My mom and I used to be attached to their Solera, which is a dessert wine made from wild blackberries. We soon graduated to their sparkling Rose for a nice summer sip, and their Gitano coastal red. Fun fact, Cherry Point Estate Wines became one of the first licensed wineries on Vancouver Island when it was purchased in 1990. So why visit Cherry Point again? They are award-winning and stick to the traditional European wine-making processes which means they let the earth do its thang. 

Unsworth Vineyard 

Best Part: The food. FOODIE ALERT! I put this in caps because their food is spectacular. My parents live in the Cowichan Valley and we often visit this place for a nice lunch or dinner out. Every time we go, I’ve never been disappointed with the food. The polenta fries, burger, and the seafood chowder are my top choices, but they always have specials or seasonal dishes on the menu that are worth checking out. It is also the only winery (that I know of) in the Cowichan valley that has a full-fledged restaurant. They have an extensive patio to hang out on, or you can dine in the charming main house. Be sure to check their menu for the wine pairings too! We recently decided to pair the Pinot Noir with the burger and the Pinot Gris with the chowder, and absolutely enjoyed the recommendation! If you are a foodie, put this place on your list.


Air Fryer Brussel Sprouts


Lemon Blueberry Crisp