Sport Specific Coaching

 Ace the game

with thE right program combined with thE right coacH

➤ Group and individual programs to supercharge skills, build mindset and rediscover the joy of sport.

➤ Skill building group programs infused with fun and community.

Skill building group programs

infused with fun + community


Programs for girls aged 13 - 18. 

Athletes will:
  • Learn the fundamentals of strength training

  • Optimize movement patterns and mechanics

  • Master body image and mindset

  • Eliminate gym-intimidation with know-how


Program for girls aged 8 - 18.

Girls get 1-to-1 attention so they can:
  • Vastly improve hitting skills and technique

  • Learn proper stance, grip, swing, and timing

  • Maximize power and control

  • Get a tailored plan based on current skill level

  • Small groups (max 5 athletes)

Individualized attention

for fine tuning or finding your starting point 


For girls who have already attended a group program and are ready to refine their skills on their own. 

Tailored to your daughter + her sport. Includes:
  • A 90 day customized program

  • 2 follow up calls

  • Ongoing email support

Not Sure where to start?

Book An on-the-house chat with Jenelle for 30 mins to gain clarity on your best next step.

You better believe you’ll be getting free resources at this call!

Females need a different approach to training

In each of these programs, I use a specific, girl-centred approach.

This includes:
  • Preparing for today’s session, as well as tomorrow’s

  • Mobility routines to help with flexibility and prevent injury

  • Helping them internalize that their body is more than it looks

  • Proper rehab techniques to maximize gains and protect their well-being 

  • Regular “body check-ins” so girls know whether to increase their weight or back it off

  • Empowering them to understand their unique capacity for that day or that phase of their cycle.

Fast hands not fast enough?
Got an eye-roll from a team mATE?

I make sure she knows how to not let this get under her skin.

Her energy levels? Team dynamics? 

I’m paying close attention so I can coach her exactly where she’s at.

Girls need a balance between care + candor

Some athletes do well with more “negative” motivation, but most girls thrive with compassion. Even if they can’t “get low” or “quick transfer” YET, they need someone who believes that they can and will. 

Female athletes like to be pushed, but when they’ve had enough, they don’t want to be shamed or made to feel that they are weak.

“You’ll get it” goes a long way in maintaining their love of sport and self-belief.

Girls need encouragement, positivity, pep talks, belief, and inclusion.

Not everyone is willing to coach this way. 

But for me, it’s non-negotiable.

A space just-for-girls matters…. a lot

The research shows how important it is for young women to participate in sport to develop relationships, healthy habits, build confidence, and form a positive relationship with physical activity. 

Yet I was seeing them lumped together with the guys rather than having a space of their own. 

Coaching with me not only helps your daughter become a better athlete. It also gives her a sense of belonging and a place that’s just for her and her fellow athletes. 

Let’s be honest…

➤ Connecting with their coach and each other.

➤ Being silly and eating pizza after practice.

➤ Talking about Nike’s, boys and braiding hair.

These are just as transformative as hitting their goals or winning the game.

I can also coach through…

Downloadable Workouts

On-demand, step by step programs that take the guesswork out of exercise and can be used anywhere, by anyone.

(not just teen girls!)


  • Proper rest and recovery is important for a well rounded program. I suggest 4-5 days a week where you really give it your all and other days can be spent walking, stretching or completing mobility exercises.

  • You totally can! I recommend that you take ownership over your fitness routine and find what works well for you! However, trainers like myself that have extensive knowledge in how the human body works, will provide the education and structure to help you achieve the goals you wanted. We take the “leg work” no pun intended out and design a program that is going to yield maximum benefits.

  • Something light that includes a carb, protein and fat 45-60 min before a workout will ground your system in order to handle the stress of your workout.

  • Having a well rounded program based on your gender, body structure and diet habits will then determine the best workouts for you. It is not a one size fits all approach and the more knowledge you have on how your body works, the better!

  • This is a common mindset and you are not alone. Western culture wants to microwave results, nothing sustainable comes in 2-3 months. A structure program with a diet that fits your body’s needs in conjunction with sleep and mental health care will also contribute to your results. Results are not linear, it is always up and down, so you need to be patient and give your body some compassion.

  • HYDRATION! Your body’s basal body temperature rises when you work out. To make sure you are recouping that by uping your water intake, trace minerals like potassium and magnesium also help with hydration. I recommend a pinch of salt in your water or electrolyte tabs to help! My muscle mender kits also work wonders ;) .