Unlock peak performance,
sky-high confidence,
+ a re-ignited love of sport

With a refreshingly girl-centered approach to coaching

Your one-stop-shop to giving your daughter
what she needs as an athlete

training books

group and 1:1 coaching

ideas for meals
+ workouts

all these in one place

So you can stop hunting around for the perfect program and the right coach.

I’m glad you are here!

Welcome to the side of the internet where
we work WITH the female body,
rather than against it.

Where we challenge, encourage, and educate girls so they can MAXIMIZE both their athletic performance AND their WELL BEING.

  • Group & 1:1 Coaching

    Group and personalized programs to elevate her skills, her mindset, and her self-belief.

    We swap out generalized coaching for super specific sessions, designed just for her sport.


    On-demand, step by step programs that take the guesswork out of exercise and can be used anywhere, by anyone.

    (not just for teen girls!)


    Nourishing meals and post-work out products to make the most of her sessions and prevent burnout.

    Massage balms, tub soaks, and meal ideas to fuel her body.

Meet Jenelle!

ThE exercise science background To optimize your daughter’s training.

ThE lived-experience of being a female athlete.

I’ve coached all kinds of athletes, but I have a huge heart for teen girls. Using my kinesiology degree and my personal journey as an athlete, I coach your daughter to become the strongest and most powerful she can be in her sport. 

Girls are already hard on themselves. They need encouragement and positivity to maximize their performance and flip the negative script inside their heads.

I’m here to:
  • make sure your daughter knows her body is more than just how it looks

  • create a space where she is never judged for her body type

  • provide an opportunity for her to be herself

This makes for more confident, less frustrated girls who know how to train for their sport and bounce back from a bad play.

What People Are Saying About Jenelle…

Let’s Be done with


Your daughter gets female-specific, sport-specific coaching for her unique body and goals.

When girls are trained like girls, they reach their athletic potential.


You don’t have time to sift through every coach’s approach. 

If you have a female athlete between the ages of 13 - 17, you’ve found her coach, here. It’s me. 


Your teen may already struggle with body image, self esteem, and comparison. 

Let’s raise the next generation of women to know how to challenge themselves without using critical dialogue


Avoid her pushing to the point of injury. 

We encourage your daughter to check in with herself.

How is she doing before, during, and after a work out?


Make sure she is still braiding her hair and applying the glitter even in her college days

Give her the resources to hit her goals and make higher level teams.

Youth Females in Sport

So How Do We Fix This?

It’s time to bring the fun back in sports.

It’s time to bring the fun back in sports. And that starts with positive coaching and a community where girls can be girls.

The secret to motivating our girls? Affirmation, belief, and inclusion. If her coach misses this, they can’t effectively lead her to her next level.

Giving your daughter the gift of a positive, female coach ensures that she’ll meet her potential as an athlete, learn how her unique body works, and develop a resilience that will serve her for years to come. Oh, and she’ll have fun. 

The secret to motivating our girls?
Affirmation, belief, & inclusion. If her coach misses this, they can’t effectively lead her to her next level.

Giving your daughter the gift of a positive, female coach ensures that she’ll meet her potential as an athlete, learn how her unique body works, and develop a resilience that will serve her for years to come. Oh, and she’ll have fun. 

If she isn’t in sports by age 10, she’s only 10% likely to be physcially active as an adult.²

By age 14, girls are dropping out of sports at approximately twice the rate of boys.³

The teen years are THe time for her to:

➤ Build her confidence

➤ Accept and love her body

➤ Grow her relationship with physical activity

➤ Develop her bounce back, shake it off, come out on top mindset


Want group
or 1:1 coaching?

Want on-demand
DIY workouts?

Want to 5x her progress
with the power of tracking?

Want to maximize gains with proper recovery?

Try my coaching for free